2007 Wrap Up: A Map-tastic Year!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008 at 9:57:00 AM

Almost exactly a year ago, I joined the Maps API team to be a middleman(woman) between the literally thousands of Google Maps API developers and our internal Geo teams. So this post is both a summary of the 2007 and my first year here. I originally anticipated this being a short post until I started reviewing posts for the last 12 months, and realized that it's been a mighty eventful year. Get yourself a cup of joe (or boba, my fav) and get ready to look back on 2007:

New API features:
  • New classes:
    • GPolygon: Create shapes on top of the map.
    • GGeoXml: Overlay KML or GeoRSS files from any domain on the map (with support for advanced features like Network Links in KML).
    • GGroundOverlay: Overlay an image over a given GLatLngBounds. (From KML's GroundOverlay)
    • GScreenOverlay: Overlay images in fixed positions on top of your map div. (From KML's ScreenOverlay)
    • GDirections: Get the polyline and localized directions HTML for a simple to/from query or array of waypoints.
    • GTrafficOverlay: Overlay traffic conditions for major roads on top of the map.
    • GGoogleBar: A shiny control wrapping the AJAX API's LocalSearchControl. The easiest way to let users search for local businesses on the map.
    • GHierarchicalMapTypeControl: A control that shows nested maptypes and checkboxes for toggling.
  • Other fun stuff:
Open source utility library:
  • MarkerManager: The first offering in the open source lib, an open source version of GMarkerManager with additional functionality.
  • LabeledMarker: A GMarker extension that lets you display text ("labels") on top of markers.
  • DragZoomControl: A GControl extension that letsusers zoom by dragging a rectangle of interest (and in latest versions, give them a back button and zoom history!)
  • ExtMapTypeControl: An open source version of MapTypeControl, with an additional Traffic button/key.
  • ExtInfoWindow: A GOverlay extension that lets you create custom info windows with CSS, and easily pull in content with AJAX.
Resources: Increased International Coverage: More searchable & mashable mashups