Recently, we surveyed developers to find out who had read and benefited from one of our popular PHP/MySQL articles: "Using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps" and "Using PHP and MySQL to create KML." We got quite a few responses. Here are just two of the nifty sites they told us about:
- SuburbView: This Australian real estate listings site includes a map with checkboxes to let you filter results, and a KML with prominent labels to indicate the all-important price of the listing.
- Crete Property Map: This is another real estate listings site that also uses checkboxes for filtering, plus our open-source DragZoomControl and nicely styled sidebar items and info windows. The developer then includes the KML output in his sitemap to make sure his real estate listings are indexed by Google and searchable by users on Google Maps.
Since it's become obvious to us that there's a huge and eager PHP/MySQL developer community out there, we're releasing two new articles for you:
- "Geocoding with PHP/MySQL" gets you started on geocoding addresses within your database (and has some tips for working with the new IP-based limiting system!).
- "From InfoWindows to a Database: Saving User-Added Form Data" shows you how to enable users to add geo-tagged information to your database via your map application.

All of our PHP/MySQL articles use the same table and data, so it should be easy for you to setup a similar table once and use the techniques described throughout all the articles. In addition, all articles been updated with both PHP 4 and PHP 5 code. (Challenge: How many articles can you do in one sitting, coffee breaks allowed?)
As always, please post in the forum with questions, suggestions on future articles or enhancements, or if you just want to show what you've created.