Performance improvements in Revision 2.64 of API v2

Monday, September 25, 2006 at 4:34:00 PM

A friendly reminder to all -- please upgrade your site to use API v2, if you haven't already. We plan to shut down API v1 in a month.

Revision 2.64 of the Maps API v2 introduces more performance enhancements that let you add and remove markers from the map faster than ever. According to our internal tests, addOverlay() is now 2.3 times faster in Firefox and 2.7 times faster in Internet Explorer when you compare version 2.64 to 2.59. removeOverlay() is now 23 times faster in Firefox and 60 times faster in Internet Explorer. For your reference, here are the results of our internal timing tests with adding and removing 200 markers on Firefox 1.5 and Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP:

addOverlay() Firefox 1.5 Internet Explorer 6.0
Revision 2.59 2.702 s 3.328 s
Revision 2.63 1.241 s 1.875 s
Revision 2.64 1.165 s 1.250 s
Speedup 2.3x faster 2.7x faster

removeOverlay() Firefox 1.5 Internet Explorer 6.0
Revision 2.59 7.900 s 26.328 s
Revision 2.63 0.525 s 0.844 s
Revision 2.64 0.340 s 0.437 s
Speedup 23x faster 60x faster

API v1 Current: 1.31
API v1 Default: 1.31
API v2 Current: 2.64
API v2 Default: 2.63