A Cool JSF and Maps Mashup

Friday, February 16, 2007 at 6:22:00 PM

We're always excited when we see new tools that make it easier for different groups of developers to use the Google Maps API. Matthias Wessendorf, a server-side Java expert, recently posted a cool mashup showing how easy it is to integrate server-side Java technologies with Google Maps.

In this mashup, Matthias has combined JavaServer Faces technologies, Facelets and Apache Trinidad with Google Maps. The end result is a datagrid component with an embedded Google map. This is done without requiring the JSF developer to code in JavaScript.

See: http://jroller.com/page/mwessendorf?entry=web_2_0_building_mashup

This mashup published in a Google Code project: http://code.google.com/p/facesgoodies/